Les récents événements entre le Hamas et Israël : une catastrophe régionale

Auteur: Léa | Publié: 04 Novembre 2023, 17:00
Les récents événements entre le Hamas et Israël : une catastrophe régionale

Pacifist Awakening in Israel

Last night, more than 70,000 people marched in defense of peace, marking the largest pacifist gathering since the beginning of the Intifada. Charles Anderlin, a recognized specialist in the Middle East, gives us his analysis of the recent events that have pitted Hamas against Israel.

A Change in Combat Strategy

Until now, Israel has responded to Hamas attacks with targeted bombings and strikes. However, since October 7th, Hamas has completely changed its mode of combat. They have attacked Israeli military bases and carried out attacks in Israeli towns near the border, resulting in the deaths of several dozen people.

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The Oslo Accords: A Broken Hope

Charles Anderlin reflects on the Oslo Accords, which marked a hope for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Unfortunately, the deterioration of the Oslo process was caused by extremists on both sides. Israeli settlers and Hamas extremists have both worked to prevent the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

Extreme Right-Wing Religious Zionism

Extreme right-wing religious Zionism is an ideological movement that advocates for the settlement of Jews in the Land of Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. These extremists have managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of Israeli power, occupying key positions within the government.

A Messianic Vision of Colonization

These messianic religious Zionists believe that the time has come for the messianic war predicted by the scriptures. They dream of seeing Israel dominate the land and engage in aggressive colonization, particularly in Palestinian territories. Members of this movement currently hold important ministerial positions, allowing them to influence policies regarding settlements and Palestinians.

French Deaths in Hamas Attacks

According to a new report, 39 French citizens have been killed in Hamas attacks in Israel. The French government is actively working to evacuate its citizens from Gaza and is demanding answers after an airstrike targeted the French Institute located in the Palestinian enclave.

International Reactions

The international community has expressed deep concern and condemnation for the escalating violence. The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Various countries, such as France and Turkey, have taken diplomatic actions, including recalling ambassadors and cutting off contact with Israeli officials.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The ongoing conflict has caused a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The United Nations and humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide aid and support to the affected population. However, the continuous violence and bombardments have made it difficult to reach those in need and have resulted in a significant loss of life, including among UN personnel.

The Path to Peace

In order to achieve a lasting peace, it is crucial for both sides to engage in meaningful dialogue and make sincere efforts towards reconciliation. The international community must continue to exert pressure on all parties involved to cease hostilities and work towards a negotiated settlement that addresses the legitimate concerns and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.





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